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TRSA-UTSA New Year's Consolidation Passes Without Resolution

ARLINGTON, Va. — The Uniform & Textile Service Association (UTSA) and the Textile Rental Services Association of America (TRSA) were to have consolidated into the Uniform & Textile Rental Service Association (UTRSA) on New Year’s Day but instead the two remain at loggerheads.
They’ve been at odds since TRSA’s board of directors adopted a Nov. 18 resolution requesting an extension to 2007 so the two groups could resolve what TRSA called "major significant open issues," including president/CEO selection, budget adoption, staffing and more.
In its latest website posting dated Dec. 29, UTSA said, "After raising several concerns as preconditions of the consolidation, TRSA representatives to the new association’s board of directors decided not to participate in a December 22 joint meeting called for the purpose of addressing these concerns."
TRSA released a brief statement Wednesday: "TRSA is still waiting for UTSA to agree to discuss the open consolidation issues that the TRSA Board presented to UTSA in its resolution of November 18, 2005."

Have a question or comment? E-mail our editor Matt Poe at [email protected].